
Georgia Power taps Purposity to help neighbors in need

May 1, 2019
November 1, 2018

Georgia Power is tapping new mobile technology from Purposity to empower employees and propel a social evolution of the company’s 130-year commitment to Georgia communities.

Georgia Power is tapping new mobile technology from Purposity to empower employees and propel a social evolution of the company’s 130-year commitment to Georgia communities. With Purposity, 7,000 employees now have access to the charitable giving platform which makes it easy to find and help a neighbor in need via mobile device, then share how they helped on social media. The digital tool complements the company’s other longstanding employee citizenship options including the Georgia Power Club of Hearts, an employee-giving program, and in-person volunteer service through organizations such as the Citizens of Georgia Power.

“Our longstanding mission to be A Citizen Wherever We Serve has evolved and grown for more than century to now include more than 100,000 volunteer service hours from our employees each year and impactful corporate partnerships with leading non-profit organizations,” said Chris D’Andrea, volunteer services manager for Georgia Power. “Purposity represents the next phase of our multifaceted charitable giving and community strategy, empowering our employees to give locally to causes that mean the most to them and amplify that impact on social media.”

Purposity brings local needs right to users’ mobile phones via a weekly text featuring a need from a verified non-profit organization. The platform is based on a simple premise – if you knew your neighbor was in need, you’d help them. Every story is submitted by someone working directly with the person in need and highlights a physical item that can assist that individual. It takes less than two minutes to meet a need and purchased items can typically be delivered to the recipient in two days. Learn more at

View original press release here.

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