
Whiteboard Announces Move to Innovation District

April 24, 2019
August 15, 2015

Official Press Release — “More than 83 years after the first Krystal restaurant opened its doors at Seventh and Cherry streets in downtown Chattanooga, the site is making a comeback,” Chattanooga’s Times Free Press reported. The building is located in the newly designated Innovation District.

Chattanooga continues becoming the first mid-sized city with an established innovation district. The designation of the Chattanooga Innovation District builds upon years of work to make the city the leading mid-sized city in the United States.

Whiteboard is making it’s new home in the historic downtown Chattanooga location.

The new office doubles Whiteboard’s production space from 3,200 sq. ft. to 6,500 sq. ft. The office includes a variety of meeting rooms and collaborative spaces. Whiteboard started with founders, Eric Brown and Taylor Jones. They’ve grown over 100% every year since the company was founded.

Taylor Jones, Whiteboard’s CEO, said, "We’re excited to join some of Chattanooga’s finest colleagues and companies in the Innovation District.”

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