
We. are the ones we are waiting for

Kareem Manuel on the Power of We.

April 24, 2019

Searching out answers to the more profound questions about life, about ourselves, about the world around us, is essential to living.

I think one lie is that my worth is wrapped up in my performance—whether my performance is my worth or that my worth with other people is based on my performance. In many cases, that’s just pragmatic. It’s kind of like, if I do something awesome, people love me for it and they give me attention. That is why kids love to perform for their parents. Because their parents will clap and then say, “Good job.” So, feeling like your worth is wrapped up in your performance is a lie I’m tempted to believe. Whether or not I know it’s true or whether or not I know it’s a lie doesn’t make a difference because I'm still tempted to believe it regardless.

And then that carries over into my faith where I feel like if I’m not doing something that God really wants, then somehow I’m worth less to Him. Or if I’ve made a mistake, or fallen, or I've sinned, that somehow my worth to God is decreased. And that’s the lie I'm most tempted to believe. And I do believe it sometimes.

I think one lie is that my worth is wrapped up in my performance—whether my performance is my worth or that my worth with other people is based on my performance. In many cases, that’s just pragmatic. It’s kind of like, if I do something awesome, people love me for it and they give me attention. That is why kids love to perform for their parents. Because their parents will clap and then say, “Good job.” So, feeling like your worth is wrapped up in your performance is a lie I’m tempted to believe. Whether or not I know it’s true or whether or not I know it’s a lie doesn’t make a difference because I'm still tempted to believe it regardless.

And then that carries over into my faith where I feel like if I’m not doing something that God really wants, then somehow I’m worth less to Him. Or if I’ve made a mistake, or fallen, or I've sinned, that somehow my worth to God is decreased. And that’s the lie I'm most tempted to believe. And I do believe it sometimes.

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